Have you considered making a DONATION to the Carolina PT Cruisers?  The website and event insurance costs money to keep it active, online and in place.  Go to the DONATION PAGE and make a small donation.  Thanks.  And thanks to those that have made donations, it keeps the website alive.


Be sure to check out the CALENDAR by clicking on the tab at the top.  It stays fairly current with various cruise in's, meets and happenings in the Carolinas and surrounding area.  Our MESSAGE BOARD is another great way to stay on top of what's going on.  Plus it's a great source for info on your PT and what everyone is up to.  It can get quite comical in there as well. 



For all the PT Clubs in the Carolinas, be sure to send me an email with any scheduled meet n greets and what's going on in your area so we can get it on the calendar.  Also if you have any news or announcements you would like to make about any members or club info, we'll be glad to put it here so everyone can see what's going on in your club.

CPTC Website     This website is for everyone.  If you would like to add any announcements, links, photos, calendar events, whatever... send it to me and we'll try to get it posted and online as soon as possible.  If you see any misspellings or misinformation anywhere, send me an email and we'll get it corrected.  We welcome you to access this site at anytime, bookmark it, send a link to a friend or link to it. 

Email Addresses     If you're visiting our site and want to be included in the email advice when the site has been updated with the monthly meet info, send an email to ccptc@earthlink.net and let me know.  Also, if you're a current subscriber and your email address changes or you want to be deleted from the list, use the same email address above.  I'm getting quite a few return emails for some where their email address is no longer valid.  If you know anyone who says they no longer are getting updates, have them send me an updated email address.


Club and Event Insurance  -  An insurance policy is in place by the Carolina PT Cruisers. 

This will cover the various Carolina clubs and event organizers should anyone be hurt and sue while at an event.  An event is any gathering from a monthly meet n greet up to the big Myrtle Beach event in October.  It covers the business or location the event is being held at as well.  An insurance certificate will be available on request for an event.  A fax number, address and contact name will be required to send the certificate to.  This is strictly an option and there for you to use should you choose to.  Using the policy does not obligate you, your local club or your event in anyway to the Carolina PT Cruisers and is free of charge.


EMAIL UPDATES    You should receive at least 3 to 4 monthly emails from the club.  If you don't, you may want to send me an email confirming your correct address.  Please remember that since our list is growing and the emails do go out in "html" format, your email service may think the email is SPAM and put it in your SPAM folder or delete it altogether.  Hotmail, Yahoo and business accounts are real good at doing this.  Also, if you have your spam filter or firewall/security levels up high, the emails may not be getting through and may prevent you from seeing certain things on the website.


PRIVACY STATEMENT:  Any personal info provided to the Carolina PT Cruisers when signing up for an event or when joining our club is not shared with anyone including any national PT Cruiser organization, chain or pyramid.  Personal info will remain private to the Carolina PT Cruiser club organizers.  Your privacy is as important to me as my own personal info, rest assured it will remain private and not shared with any third party.

DISCLAIMER:  Or at least I think that is what this statement is called.  In no way are the Carolina PT Cruisers affiliated with Chrysler or any other company, club or group.  We are a group of PT Cruiser owners, enthusiasts and admirers.  The name "Carolina PT Cruisers" and it's logo is a dated ownership logo and can not be copied or used without written permission.  We are a no-dues, no commitment, no obligation group of PT Cruiser loyalists.  We do not necessarily support or back any other club, group or company.  The group, any group member nor the webmaster are responsible for any views, ideas, statements, events or dates listed on this website and can not be held liable for any misinformation or errors.  So there.

Except for the "Carolina PT Cruisers" logo and photos of members cars, all artwork, drawings, icons, lines, etc were obtained from the internet and various other sources.  None are claimed as originals.  We thank all who may be the originator of these various graphics. 

The Carolina PT Cruisers was formed as a group of various PT owners and enthusiasts to provide info so all can see what is going on in our area.  Individuals that are part of the Carolina PT Cruisers may personally choose to be a member of any national or regional PT Cruiser or Chrysler club. 

Send mail to ccptc@earthlink.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: Sunday April 18, 2010